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Cape Coral FL

Your Weekly Report on the Best Places to Retire 

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 Topretirements eNewsletter
  April 22, 2009

In This Issue...

  • Top 6 Home Inspection Tips
  • Cape Coral, FL
  • Bisbee, AZ
  • Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

  • Pictured above: Amazing scenery around Lake Atitlan
    Helpful link of the week.  If you follow the stock market it can be a challenge to find quality information. We recommend Seekingalpha - their daily newsletters provide an excellent overview and links to a wide variety of interesting points of view, by industry. You can sign up on the bottom left of their Home page.
    Everybody tends to think of themselves as an expert when it comes to checking out real estate. This article will show why potential buyers are better off hiring a professional inspector. Here are 6 great tips from Housemasters and Buildingonline, plus some bonus ideas from Topretirements.   Home Inspection Tips
    Last week we reviewed Port Charlotte; here is our take on its next door neighbor to the west. Cape Coral has more miles of canals than any place on earth - over 400!  It also has Pine Island, the Caloosahatchee River, and the Gulf of Mexico. Prices are cheap right now - average in the low $100's.
    If you are looking for offbeat potential, Bisbee is your retirement place. It's near the Mexican border in an old mining town in the mountains. It's cool (attitude and altitude), sometimes scruffy, and way different than about anywhere else in Arizona. Thanks to Michael Pollick for the tip.

    Lake Atitlan, Guatemala
    For the adventurous retiree on a budget, check out Lake Atitlan. The setting itself is jaw dropping. Three jungle-covered volcanoes jut into the sky, barricading a startlingly blue lake. It's the most popular tourist area in Guatemala; many Americans come here to retire.

    Over at Eons.comsome folks have been having a fit discussing how the recession has opened up some 55+communities to families with children. The depthof emotion about the topic is a bit searing.  Since we like no topic better than acontroversial one, here is your chance to weigh in - if a young familymoved into your 55+ development, would you be the welcome wagon or the scalping party?

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